Pre School
- Regular Programmes
Primary School
- Regular Programmes
Secondary School
- Regular Programmes
Professional Development
- Regular Programmes
Pre School
- Professional Development
(1) A series of structured learning experiences to engage participants in hands-on activities. Learn more in: Habits of Mind Workshop for Staff Development, Habits of Mind Activate Series and Buzan Mind Mapping Techniques for Effective Teaching.
(2) Our interdisciplinary workshops will provide you with ideas for the classroom, enrich your own learning and encourage bonding with other teachers!
Habits of Mind Programs
Course : Habits of Mind (HOM) Workshop for Staff Development
This workshop is particularly useful to schools which are exploring the Habits of Mind. In the workshop, our trainers will take teachers through all the 16 Habits and share how HOM is implemented in schools. As there will be hands-on sessions during the workshop, teachers can expect to be fully engaged.
Unique Features
A quick way to understand HOM without having to read volumes of books.
- To know why and how the Habits of Mind have been developed
- To understand the nature of the Habits of Mind and the engine that drives them
- To understand how HOM can be apply to a typical classroom lesson
Course : Habits of Mind Activate Series
This series is ideal for schools which wish to implement the Habits of Mind as a whole-school approach. For best results, schools are expected to not only explicitly teach the Habits but also to infuse selected Habits into their instructional and non-instructional programmes.
Unique Features
- Teachers will be able to use a set of strategies and mental models developed by the Centre in their direct as well as infusion lessons.
- Complimentary 3 hours of teacher observation/conference.
- A follow-up session to include 3 hours of free teacher observation/ conference.
- To gain a deeper understanding of the Habits selected by the school
- To cultivate HOM using mental models developed by the Centre
- To craft and infuse HOM into their lesson plans and Scheme of Works
Mind Mapping Programs
Course : Buzan Mind Mapping Techniques for Effective Teaching
Students who are learning in the classroom are highly affected by various factors such as the environment, curriculum, delivery method and especially the person teaching. Teachers will learn how to use the Tony Buzan’s BrainSmart Techniques to engage the students to learn better and become more motivated over traditional linear methods.
Foundations of Mind Mapping®
- Brain Functions (Left and Right)
- Formula for Learning (Whole Brain)
- Refocusing the teacher’s lenses
- Mind Map® Laws
- Word Image
- Mind Map® practice on reflective thinking
- Mind Map® practice on note-taking and note-making
Classroom application of Mind Mapping®
- Recall During Learning (RDL) curve
- Using Mind Map® to improve RDL
- Impact on classroom practices
- Creative and Critical thinking using Mind Maps® on:
- Cause and effect
- Analysis
- Part-whole thinking
- Relationships and associations
- Increasing attentiveness with Mind Maps®
- Lesson Planning and Sharing